• Service Desk:
    • Continuity 24×7;
    • Call center;
    • Field and remote assistance;
    • Agreed service levels;

Regio delivers to its customers Help Desk Support Services for the solutions delivered and implemented by us, but also for other technologies. Among the benefits that the Help Desk Service brings to clients we mention:

  • Conform operation of equipment, systems and applications;
  • Reduction of downtime and repairs, critical incidents being resolved according to the NSA (Level of Approved Services);

Budgeting transparency of maintenance and support costs, based on agreed parameters: number of tickets or calls, number of users, number of equipment and applications, etc.

Bugetare transparenta a costurilor de mentenanta si suport, pe baza parametrilor agreați: numar de tichete sau apeluri, numar de utilizatori, numar de echipamente si aplicatii etc